How to Use HTML to Build Websites from Scratch

 How to Use HTML to Build Websites from Scratch

When you visit websites, whether they’re e-commerce sites, news sites, or social media platforms, you don’t just see the pretty pictures and catchy headlines; you also see code that makes the site functional. Without HTML code, your favorite sites wouldn’t be able to exist. In this guide to using HTML to build websites from scratch, you’ll learn how HTML works and how you can use it to add functionality to your own website or application development project. Let’s get started!

Tags and Attributes

HTML is the basic coding language used for building websites. It's fairly easy to learn and comes with a ton of benefits, like accessibility options for those with disabilities, as well as easy customization. The best part? Anyone can do it. Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to creating a professional website in no time!

Headings and Paragraphs

-What is an HTML field? 

-What is the purpose of an HTML field? -What does an HTML field look like? 

-What do I need for an HTML field? 

-How do I create my own website using an HTML field? 

-Where can I find more information on how to use an HTML field or how to start a website using the tool? -Who designed and developed this tool?

-Why did they design it this way? 

-Will there be any changes in the future to this design, functionality, etc.?

Lists, Tables and Horizontal Lines

This tutorial will cover the basics of web design. To start, you need to create a document in your favorite text editor or IDE. You can use any text editor such as Notepad, Text Wrangler, or Sublime Text. There are two different types of documents that you can use: an empty document and a template document. This tutorial will use a template document. A template contains basic formatting instructions and gives you a starting point for building your site's layout.

Blockquotes, Ordered Lists, Code, Spans

You can write HTML in a text editor, but it is more difficult and error-prone. This tutorial will show you how to use an online code editor. It is important that you use an editor because the browser won't understand mistakes in your code like it would if you wrote it in a text editor on your computer. You will also be able to see how your website looks as you are creating it by previewing it on the right side of the screen.

Embedding YouTube Videos and Images

To embed a YouTube video, first copy and paste the link of the video you want. For example, if I wanted to embed a video from YouTube in this blog post, I would copy and paste the URL of the YouTube video here. Next, we'll need to give it an id so that we can create a placeholder for it on our page. A div with the ID embed-youtube will allow us in HTML 5 standards. The src attribute is what contains the link of our video and the type attribute informs it as an embedded media player of which type it is (in this case - youtube). Finally, at the end we are including some parameters for controls like autoplay or looping when someone plays your youtube video directly on your website!

What is CSS?

One of the most common languages in the web design world is CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it's a way for designers and developers to style their website without having to worry about the code that underlies it. 

CSS is a language that defines how elements on a page should look, but not what they should do. If you're familiar with HTML, then CSS will be very easy for you to learn because it has a similar syntax and structure.

Learn CSS Basics with Examples

CSS is a style sheet language that allows you to control the appearance of your website. To create a CSS file, first create an empty text file and save it with the extension .css. Then open it and start writing out your styles. Here are some examples:

body { background-color: blue; } 

h1 { color: white; } 

p { color: black; }

Common CSS Questions

1. What is the difference between an ID and a class? 

2. How can I animate my CSS? 

3. What is the difference between inline and embedded styles?

4. Why do some CSS properties have hyphens in them? 

5. What does padding mean in CSS?

Common Errors in Web Design

It is important to know the common mistakes in web design so you can avoid them. The following is a list of some of these mistakes:

-Using too many graphics or images on the page. This will slow down the loading time and frustrate users. -Using excessive hyperlinks, especially if they are on every line of text on your site. Hyperlinks should be used sparingly so that people have a chance to read what you have written before they click on another link. -Not using enough text formatting. Formatting text like italics and bolding can help emphasize certain points and make your message clearer to the reader. -Including too much information in one paragraph or sentence without breaking it up into smaller paragraphs or sentences with spaces between them.

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